Profile PictureArfian Cahya | Actureid

Figma Atomic Design System Starter UI Kits (v1.0)

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Introducing the Atomic Design System Starter Kit: Unleash the Power of Design Consistency and Efficiency.

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Elevate your design process to new heights with the Atomic Design System Starter Kit. Whether you're a seasoned designer or just starting out, this comprehensive toolkit empowers you to create stunning and consistent user interfaces with ease.

Designed for efficiency and collaboration, our Starter Kit provides you with a meticulously crafted set of reusable UI components, guidelines, and best practices, following the atomic design methodology. Say goodbye to reinventing the wheel and wasting valuable time. Our pre-built components ensure a seamless integration and rapid prototyping, allowing you to focus on the creative aspects of your project.

With the Atomic Design System Starter Kit, you'll experience the true power of a well-organized design system. Increase productivity by streamlining your workflow, establishing a unified visual language, and ensuring a consistent user experience across your applications. Seamlessly transition between projects and teams, and watch your designs come to life effortlessly.

Whether you're a designer, developer, or product manager, the Atomic Design System Starter Kit is the ultimate resource to foster collaboration, drive efficiency, and achieve design excellence. Take the first step towards revolutionizing your design process and unlock the potential of your creations with our Atomic Design System Starter Kit today.

Atomic Design system starter UI Kits in this file only consist of:

🥼 Atomic Design (Design Tokens):

1. Color
2. Typography
3. Grid
4. Drop Shadow
5. Spacing
6. Opacity
7. Border
8. Logo
9. Image
10. Icon
11. Loading

🧥 Molecules Design (Components)

1. Accordion items
2. Alert
3. Avatar
4. Badge
5. Button Mobile Nav Items
6. Breadcumber
7. Button
8. Date Picker Items
9. Dropdown Items
10. Helper Text Items
11. Input
12. Nav Items
13. Pagination Items
14. Progress Bar
15. Skelton Items
16. Star
17. Stepper Items
18. Switch, Checkbox, & Radio
19. Tab
20. Table items
21. Toast
22. Tooltips
23. wysiwyg Items

🧥 Cell Design (Pattern)

1. Calendar
2. Form Fields
3. Date Picker
4. Pagination
5. Table
6. wysiwyg

- 111+ Variable Color
- 25+ Variable Text Color
- 25+ Variable Spacing
- 70+ Variable Style Input
- 15+ Variable Style background
- 2 Mode Variable (Light & Dark)
- 100+ Color Style
- 25+ Text Color Style
- 10+ Image Color Style
- 5+ Logo Color Style
- 50+ Avatar Color Style
- 180+ Typhograpy
- 8+ Drop Shadow
- 8+ Blur
- 100+ Image Logo Company & Bank
- 250+ most used UI icons
- 50+ Loading Items
- Emoji Microsoft

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Introducing the Atomic Design System Starter Kit: Unleash the Power of Design Consistency and Efficiency.

Figma Auto Layout
Support the new component properties, autolayout, Variable feature in figma.
Well Organized, 100% customizable, Fully Editable
Editable Atom (Design Tokens) & Molecules (Component)
41.2 MB
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Figma Atomic Design System Starter UI Kits (v1.0)

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